Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December Beach Day!

We went to Newport Beach today (yes, Dec. 30) and had a wonderful time playing in the water and building sand castles. Let me clarify, the children and Daddy had a wonderful time in the water. Mommy enjoyed watching them and taking pictures. It is so fun going to the beach with the kids at this age. They are now able to run around and play without Mike and I being so petrified that they'll head straight to the water. We are still obviously vigilant about watching them but we can take turns and I actually got to read my book today! Reading at the beach! Who would have thought?! Anyway, we had a great time just a street away from my old apartment on 33rd street. It was a terrific way to wrap up the holidays and head into the New Year's!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Par-ty Par-ty Par-ty!

Today was a fun day for the Wheaton girls who both celebrated the holidays with their classes. The day started with an Awards Ceremony at Brooke's school where she received her 3rd Life Skills Sticker for her certificate. We are proud of her excellent citizenship. She has received an award or a sticker at every Awards Assembly this year and we keep telling her that one day her name might not get called but to keep up the great work and enjoy it! She then had a party in class where they decorated and created their own Gingerbread Houses. Mike & I really enjoyed ourselves and the fact that we were able to help with Brooke and her kindergarten classmates. We then headed over to Abby's school where she was having a Pajama Party and cookie decorating celebration. She is so sweet and it was very nice to visit with her in her element (thank you to Mimi & Poppy for babysitting Jack!). We took pictures of her with her teachers who call her a "ray of sunlight" and with her best friend Maddy. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Holidays!

It's been way too long since I wrote an update. So rather than trying to catch you up on our last few busy months I'm going to start fresh. This holiday season has been tons of fun. All 3 kids get in on all the excitement and magic and there has been no shortage of activities and events for us to partake in. We went to Dos Lagos for the Polar Express Train ride and movie by the lake a few weeks ago (pictures posted) and also attended Dos Lagos for the Radio Disney Snowday. The snow day was not nearly as fun nor as impressive as the Polar Express Evening but the kids did have fun playing for a few minutes with the snow and as Jack obvserved, "it was frozen". My resolution is to provide updates twice a month here on our blog. The kids love it and I know you do too, hehee......Happy Holidays!