Sunday, September 27, 2009

And now they're all in school!

Jack started preschool at the end of August and LOVES it. He loves his teacher, his friends, singing, painting and all the fun that comes from being 3 in preschool. His best buddy also goes to his preschool so that makes it all the more fun (even though they aren't in class together). My mom has been awesome since she picks Jack up every T/Th for us so here's a beautiful picture of Jack & Mimi. Also, Jack w/Ryan.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We spent Sunday at Crystal Cove and Monday at Newport. Got a great deal through our fave Priceline at the Newport Marriott and had an awesome weekend, definitely something I needed. The kids LOVED the beach of course and kept saying how "fancy" the hotel was. Really adorable. Even Jack got into the boogie boarding action and I can't help but feel blessed to have these 3 healthy & happy kiddos and a husband who loves us all so!